Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. Here is a short rundown of my life so far and what Im doing now.

As a teenager I worked as a professional model based in London where I was born & raised, working in 12 countries  all over the world  for 7 years. Including Hollywood, Tokyo, Sierra Leone & the Caribbean.

After marrying at 22 and emigrating to Norway, we had 6 children in under 10 years, then our 7th child joined us at age 6 months. I was a stay at home mum for 30 years. In this time I was the  PTA (FAU) leader for 4 years in a row, ran muliple childrens clubs from home for years & several New Year Eve parties for our church. In addition we had an open home for friends of our children, often 16 sat down for dinner. I made all our first 4 childrens clothes, decorating their bedrooms etc.

At age 52 I started a holstic health business which grew rapidly into 16 countries over a period of 5 years. This involved traveling all over Europe holding lectures myself & bringing in American & Canadian experts. My team consisted of 12 leaders in New York, Kuala Lumpur, Salzburg, London & muliple towns in Norway. Also travelled to the States 5 times where I also won a "New Market Pioneeer" Award in 2014

For the past 7 years, I have believed  in bringing a newly developed American finacial platform  to Norway and Europe. It was developed by the US. Department of Defence with help from Robert Kyasaki, author of "Rich dad - Poor Dad". The last 3 years I have been working actively on this with an amazing team of 34 people Ive know for over 25  years or more.

I am  also in a long process of writing a book about miracles, signs and warnings, and will announce when its published.

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